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My dream school was a project that we realized in the school year 2013/2014 on the eTwinning site. We realized it with our Italian friends. The project provides that children of our schools can collaborate in the exchanges of experiences, information and ideas, through photos, drawings, videos and other tools, about their activities in a wide and without borders school that day after day, in a pleasant way, prepare them to become responsible and open-minded citizens in Europe. In our opinion, promoting consciousness of being European citizens is very important. Pupils worked together in the design of the school of the future. They compared pleasant school activities  and improved their language competences.  They also improved the usage of ICT.
Students outlined their dream school in Europe and described its aspects. They expressed their ideas and their expectations. They shared and compared everything with the partners. They collaborated with each other using English and the new technologies. 
It was awarded the Quality Label in Italy.

We created some categories such as:

Introduce yourself
Our schools
School in our dream
Our dream activities at school
Preparing ourselves to be good European citizens
Children's dictionaries

Here there are some of children's works.





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