I have just started a new project with class 3a with new partners from France, Lithuania and Poland.
In our time, technology has taken a very important place in our everyday life. Video games, cartoons, three-dimensional movies have a major impact on children. Some traditional tales are thus ignored by children, or the only known version is the one proposed by the Disney adaptations. The purpose of this project is to discover the original versions of the works of Perrault, Grimm or Andersen through various media such as animated films, plays, cartoons or drawings.
The main objective is to establish a common culture about tales. Many skills are worked in seven of the eight key areas defined by the European Parliament in 2005 (communication in the mother tongue; communication in foreign languages, digital competence, learning to learn, social and civic competences; the spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship; cultural awareness and expression).
The first time will be reserved for the presentation of classes (on the TwinSpace platform, but also videoconferencing). Then, each month, a class proposes to the others to work on a particular story. Partners will offer their version of the story using a medium of their choice. At the end of the month, the class who submitted the story will present the official version. Thus, a new tale will be studied every month.
At the end of this project, students will have a more developed knowledge of traditional tales. They will have learned to work in individual, pair or group to present the work to other classes. They will also have learned to use multiple media to present their work (video, audio, animation, drawing ...). Collections of individual and collective tales with their different versions (original and modified) will be created. These collections are both digital (done with Issuu for example, or with inlay Madmagz videos) and physical (paper).
I hope that the cooperation between our schools will be very effective! 

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